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Friday 28 February 2020

Issues & Returns - New Circulation Desk at EGM Library

By Omesh Jagarnath

Libraries are constantly evolving to meet the needs of its users in an effort to provide an efficient and excellent service to its patrons. Hence, the re-configuring of space to improve both security (of staff and student library assistants who are employed in the evenings), as well as academic reserve books and ensuring a centralised service point for users, is something that has been under discussion for many months.
 At the EGM library, Howard College Campus, an existing space, namely the old Research Commons, was identified by the space committee and in consultation with the circulation staff, this space was seen as ideal for reconfiguration.
The existing infrastructure was already in place, namely an enclosed glass partition with swipe access. Work on this new space commenced in November 2019 with the removal of the old furniture and computers, while a contractor was called to reconfigure the glass to create a window like opening for the counter on both sides of the room.
Work on reconfiguring the interior and creating the Issue and Return counters began in early December 2019. As there was no budget for the project, library staff took it upon themselves to purchase material for this space.
Mr Richard Goodall, a jack of all trades, decided to put his carpentry skills to good use.

Taking Shape

Staff Workstations
It has taken hours of labour and planning to ensure that the work done is professional and attractive. The above pictures shows the staff workstations being configured.

Completion – Service Point for Library Users - View from the outside

It has taken almost two and half months to complete the configuration with minor alterations and final touches added as we go along. Staff moved into the new space on the 13th February 2020.

There has been a lot of positive comments from some academics who were amazed by the quality of the workmanship, so all credit goes to Mr Goodall.


  1. Wow great work. A lot of thought and energy was put into this project.

  2. Interesting blog. Lovely pictures. Excellent workmanship. Is Mr Goodall available to upgrade all the Circulation Desks across the UKZN libraries?
    Did the staff really purchase the material for the space? Why should staff use their own finances when there should be a library budget to upgrade work spaces? Surely, a budget should be set aside for these things because work spaces are evolving constantly. Upgrading the inside of libraries makes them more welcoming to students and gives a positive impression to visitors and the university community alike. Staff should not be footing the bill for such projects.
    The end result is very beautiful. Congratulations to Mr Goodall for a job well done!
