by Nontobeko Sikhosana
Every company has a unique set of goals and the diversity
practices must align with them to be successful. Even today employees in organizations or
libraries have different cultures and personalities. Diverse workforces help to
increase profitability. Companies that look beyond the “culture fit” to focus
on “culture add” will reap the rewards of a rich company culture.
To achieve diversity throughout the entire workforce,
companies must intentionally recruit, hire and retain talent that is diverse in
background, education and experience. These factors have an impact on an
individual’s understanding of the world and are shaped by their race, gender,
age, culture, religious and political beliefs, socioeconomic background,
geographic location, sexual orientation, citizenship status, mental and
physical conditions, and so on. When companies employ a diverse workforce, they
benefit from the full spectrum of ideas, talent and creativity.
Diversity is not just about human resources and organizational
culture for a library. The interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights by
American Library Association (2006) states that librarians have an obligation
to select and support the access to materials on all subjects that meet, as
closely as possible the needs and interests of all persons in the community
which the library serves. This includes materials that reflect political,
economic, religious, social, minority, and sexual issues.
Libraries must have a clear sense of what diversity means to
the organization before embarking upon collection assessment. Most colleges and
universities have created non-discrimination and diversity statements that
reflect the goals and values of the institution. Academic libraries should
align their own definitions of diversity with that of the parent institution,
while creating library-specific policies and guidelines that seek to ensure
that all services, collections, processes, and procedures in the library meet
the diversity goals of the library and the institution. Diversity collection
assessment ensures that the goals of selecting, acquiring, and maintaining a
collection that meets the diversity goals and needs of the institution are
being met.
Diversity in academic libraries is thus beyond human
resources, in a diverse library workforce, library users can find someone to
relate to, and get services that are sensitive to their needs and preferences.
Diversity also improves staff performance and overall library success.
American Library Association (2006), “Diversity”, ALA Policy
Manual, available at: www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/
governance/policymanual/index.cfm (accessed April 9, 2021).
American Library
Association. 2006. Diverse Collections:
An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights [Online]. Available: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill/interpretations/diversecollections
[Accessed 21 April 2021].
M.P. and Young, C.L., 2010. Diversity collection assessment in large academic
libraries. Collection Building.
Moran, C.
2019. What is diversity in the workplace?(And how to achieve it?) [Online].
Available: https://learn.g2.com/diversity-in-the-workplace [Accessed 09 April